About Me
My name is Anya and I want to help you reach your fitness goals.
Sure I can feed you the usual hoopla about being positive and how you just need the right diet, training plan or supplements to make the fat melt away but honestly that would be utter BS. What you need is someone to give you the knowledge and support to change your life around.
I’ve been overweight…fat…obese practically my entire life, plagued with health issues like PCOS, Acne and Joint pains. I was completely unhappy and honestly hated myself. I tried diet after diet, product after product, coach after coach, spent a small fortune on personal trainers, miracle tablets and fat burners. You name it, I was on it, BCAA’s, Glutamine, Creatine, fat burners, meal replacements etc. Some things never worked and some things worked for a month or two. Then I either packed the weight back on or I packed on even more weight. I was miserable once again and on top of that I developed a chronic tendonitis to my knees and right shoulder from bad form and overtraining.
I kept asking the question “WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?”
In 2018, I was fortunate enough to go on holiday to Thailand. The place was amazing, food delicious, but I could not fully enjoy myself. Why? Because I was so overweight and uncomfortable in my own skin. I could not find any decent clothes so I had no choice but to wear gym tights and baggy t-shirts through most of the trip. I was sooo embarrassed to be seen in a swimming costume on the beach that I actually had anxiety attacks for the first time in my life. I was flabbergasted at what I had become of me, so I guess in a way, I hit rock bottom on my so called fitness journey.
Prior to this trip I had been training with some of the so called "best coaches" in the country (even a World Record Holding Powerlifter and a WBFF Bikini Champion) but here is the thing, unless you can afford the absolute top notch premium packages (which usually runs into the tens of thousands) those top tier coaches are never going to really give you the time of day. They will hand out a cookie cutter training program and a diet plan of boiled chicken/fish and salads. Yuck! I personally hate salads and most vegetables. I was just not coping.
When I got back from Thailand I spent some time doing my own research, designing my own programs and strategizing my plan of action. Almost 3 years later and about 28kgs lighter, dropping 10 dress sizes along the way and recompositioning my body entirely (I literally had no ass or waist before). I can say that I am onto something. From personal experience I never starve myself, the only supplement I consume is Whey Protein and that too is not every day. I am confident that I am able to get all my macronutrients from food so I don’t have to spend a fortune on expensive supplements.
Let me be clear here. I am not thin or skinny in any way, I am healthy. I am voluptuous and I am beautiful. My results have been achieved through understanding the principles behind fat loss and muscle gain combined with hard work, consistency and most importantly patience. The thing that changed me the most was my mindset. I learned to love myself. I learned to block out the haters and focus on me, myself and I.